Magazine Issue

STRIDE: December 2024

Welcome to the December edition of STRIDE magazine.

The Australian Podiatry Association reserves the right to edit material for space and clarity and to withhold material from publication. Individual views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Association and inclusion of product or service information does not imply Association endorsement unless specifically stated. STRIDE for podiatry is the official monthly publication of the Australian Podiatry Association Limited. STRIDE for podiatry is copyright and no part may be reproduced without written permission from the Australian Podiatry Association. ©2019 AUSTRALIAN PODIATRY ASSOCIATION, 89 Nicholson St, East Brunswick, VIC 3159, P (03) 9416 3111 W The Australian Podiatry Association would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of all the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations that make up the great continent of Australia. We would like to pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past and present, also the young community members, as the next generation of representatives.

In this issue

From the President

From the President

I can’t believe the year is so quickly drawing to a close. What a year it has been! As you read this, I hope you are preparing for a summer break over the holiday period, and what better way to unwind than reading the latest STRIDE articles.


JFAR’s incredible year!

Professor Keith Rome’s reflections on the year that was for JFAR are not only deeply impressive but also very moving; given it highlights the impact of podiatry in so many ways. The fact JFAR has been ranked as a Q1 quartile is a remarkable achievement and we should all take pride in this.


Refresh on provider numbers

It’s easy to feel that we all know how provider numbers work and what their role is, yet to avoid complacency, the APodA has shared this recap on all things related to provider numbers – including some important reminders we should all bear in mind.


Graduate special

This is always a special time of year, with new graduates entering the profession. To help with this transition the APodA has mapped out a series of likely steps for graduates, to target exactly what information will be useful, at different stages. Please read this if you are a graduate, or have recently graduated – it is not to be missed.


Advocacy moves forward

Speaking of feeling proud, the Australian Podiatry Association is so proactive when it comes to advocacy, and this month’s advocacy update touches on just some of these critical developments. Advocacy can be a slow-moving entity in terms of realising its outcomes, but there is no shortage of hard work behind the scenes.


Must-read conference article

Before you put down your devices for summer, please read Five reasons not to miss the Australian Podiatry Conferenceto make the most of this early bird window. I can’t wait to be on the Gold Coast in June for all five reasons, and more!


ACPD share their news

I was heartened to read the latest update from the Australasian College of Podiatry Deans, not least because the stats around the number of registered podiatrists appear to be tipping in the right direction; though we all have a long way to go as a profession, and a part to play in this outcome.

Burnout – personal reflections

Last but by no means least, podiatrist Blake Withers shares some moving reflections on the role of burnout in podiatry, inspired by this fascinating study. No doubt you will relate a lot to Blake’s thoughts and perhaps you will identify with some tips which help him in his practice.


Enjoy your break!

Have a great break, STRIDE will return in March 2025 with more inspiring updates and useful tips for you. Till then, take care.

The Australian Podiatry Association

Graduates: we have you covered


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Refresher for podiatrists: your provider number


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Advocacy update


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Five reasons to not miss the 2025 Australian Podiatry Conference!


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Journal of Foot and Ankle Research: A year in review


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Update from the ACPD


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Part 2 | Burnout in podiatry: a personal perspective


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!


That’s a wrap on this issue of STRIDE! Remember that up-to-the-minute updates are available through our social media channels like LinkedIn and Facebook (and on our website). 

