You know that managing your Medicare provider number correctly isn’t just about making claims—it’s about protecting your professional identity. Here’s a recap on what you will already know regarding your provider number, along with other useful reminders.


1. What you will already know

You already know that:

– Your provider number is your unique identifier that’s required to claim for the services you provide under several key government programs. Whether you’re involved in Chronic Disease Management, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), NDIS, My Aged Care, or private health insurance services, you need a provider number to be eligible for rebates.

– Without it, you cannot treat patients under these schemes or submit any claims. In short, no provider number means no rebates.

You’re probably familiar with the following reminders, yet they are shared here to refresh podiatrists on some on the more detailed intricacies that surround provider numbers.


2. A reminder on … how to manage your provider number

Remember that it’s your responsibility to keep track of your provider number. The PRODA system allows you to:

  • Apply for additional provider numbers if you start at a new location.
  • Update your details and make changes to your practice location.
  • Cancel provider numbers for locations you no longer practice from.


Make sure you manage your numbers carefully—particularly if you work at different clinics. Keeping your details updated helps avoid confusion when it comes to billing and claims.


3. A reminder on … how to keep your provider number secure

This point is really critical. Your provider number is just as important to protect as your driver’s license. It’s your unique identifier as a podiatrist. You should never share your provider number with another professional, even if they are a colleague at your practice. Allowing someone else to use your number could lead to you being held liable for the repercussions.

Your provider number is not just a tool for claims—it’s part of your professional identity. It’s linked to your qualifications and the services you provide. Protecting it is not just about avoiding fraud or misuse, it’s also about maintaining the integrity of your practice.


Simply put: Your provider number is your responsibility, and only you should use it. The risks associated with sharing your number far outweigh any convenience it might offer. Members of the Australian Podiatry Association can access legal insights via the ApodA website or by calling 03 946 3111.


4. A reminder on … cancelling provider numbers

If you stop working at a particular location or no longer offer a specific service, it’s vital that you cancel your provider number for that location. You can do this directly through PRODA, ensuring that no one can mistakenly use a number for services you no longer provide.


Cancelling unused provider numbers is a simple yet important step in maintaining your professional integrity and protecting your identity.


5. A reminder on … when to access additional provider numbers

If you work at more than one location, or if you provide different types of services (for example, if you’re registered in multiple disciplines), you’ll need additional provider numbers. Fortunately, it’s a straightforward process to request these.


To apply for extra provider numbers:

  1. Log in to your PRODA account.
  2. Select My details, then My provider numbers.
  3. Choose Create a new provider location and follow the prompts to apply.
  4. Once you’ve received the number, allow two business days before submitting any claims under it.


Where to go for more information
