Magazine Issue

STRIDE: June 2023

Welcome to the June edition of STRIDE magazine!

The Australian Podiatry Association reserves the right to edit material for space and clarity and to withhold material from publication. Individual views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Association and inclusion of product or service information does not imply Association endorsement unless specifically stated. STRIDE for podiatry is the official monthly publication of the Australian Podiatry Association Limited. STRIDE for podiatry is copyright and no part may be reproduced without written permission from the Australian Podiatry Association. ©2019 AUSTRALIAN PODIATRY ASSOCIATION, 89 Nicholson St, East Brunswick, VIC 3159, P (03) 9416 3111 W The Australian Podiatry Association would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of all the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations that make up the great continent of Australia. We would like to pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past and present, also the young community members, as the next generation of representatives.

In this issue

From the President

From the President

Welcome to STRIDE magazine — whether you’re having a peek for the first time, or you’re a regular. This month will see hundreds of podiatrists meet in person again for what’s shaped up to be an amazing national conference at the Brisbane Convention Centre. The re-connection through in-person events marks a turning point from purely in-person or on-line events to a trial of a hybridized version of conferencing.  


Technology is facilitating connection across borders, whether this is state or national / international borders. The CPD offering through APodA is also expanding under the experienced hand of Hayley Uden.  Keep an eye out in communications for both online webinars and live and local events in various states for this year and next.  What connects us is stronger than we realised.  


Connection is also available through social media. Facebook groups offer strong support and connection through APodA’s members. For example, the group Podiatrists in Business is home to many questions about the interaction between podiatrists and health funds, Medicare protocols and so forth. Other special interest groups are developing into a nested grouping of like-minded podiatrists, and providing a forum for answering questions that arise in podiatry practice.  Member-based groups are also supporting prescribing through Medicines in Podiatry. Special interest groups exist as well, for example Australian Paediatric Podiatry, or Podiatry Aged Care 


What’s required for those connections to continue and flourish, is engagement and commitment. An old saying, ‘You’ll only get out of it what you put in’ still holds true.  The point of membership is not so much a case of ‘what you can draw away from others’, rather, if you’re engaged in the process then you’ll develop deeper connections — which can be sustaining in tough times.  


Wishing you many happy podiatry connections as we all engage with the podiatry community through the multiple and varied options that the APodA facilitates. 

Ainslie Davies, President

Advocacy & aged care: an update for podiatrists (part 2)

While this report focuses on one dataset, being Medicare data, rather than multiple datasets, the following insights still hold significant interest.  

Of note in the report:  

Of the 25 million Medicare-subsidised allied health services provided in 2021–22:  

  • The most common type of service was optometry (9.9 million). 
  • Podiatry accounted for around 3.5 million services, compared with psychology which accounted for around 6.6 million services, and physiotherapy at 2.8 million services (AIHW 2022a).

In 2021–22, 37% of Australians received at least one Medicare-subsidised allied health service (AIHW 2022a). In Australia in 2021–22: 

  • Females (43%) were more likely to see an allied health professional than males (32%) and received more Medicare-subsidised services per person (1.2, compared with 0.8 for males). 
  • The number of allied health Medicare-subsidised services per person increased with age and was highest for those aged 80 and over (2.4 services per person). 
  • People living in metropolitan PHN areas received more Medicare-subsidised allied health services for mental health care (0.3 per person), than those living in regional PHN areas (0.2 per person) (AIHW 2022a).

In addition to Medicare-subsidised services, allied health services are accessed and funded through many arrangements, such as those subsidised by private health insurance or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. 

The majority of this expenditure was for: 

  • GP attendances ($9.1 billion, or 53%) 
  • Diagnostic imaging ($4.0 billion, or 23%) 
  • Specialist attendances ($2.3 billion, or 13%) 
  • Allied health ($1.8 billion, or 10%).

More information

Visit Primary health care for more on this topic. 


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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for children and teenagers

APodA’s Member Insurance Program: maximise your benefit

The MIP group provides a platform for members to come together, and share knowledge and experiences related to the use of medicines in a podiatry setting.  Are you interested in the latest drug therapies for common foot and ankle conditions? Do you have questions about the safe and effective use of medications in your practice? Whatever your interest, the MIP group is the perfect place for you to connect with like-minded colleagues and stay abreast of the latest developments in this field. 

As a member of the MIP you can expect a range of benefits, including: 

  • Access to a dedicated online community where you can connect with other members, share resources, and collaborate on projects related to medicines. 
  • Opportunities to attend MIP specific CPD events including webinars, online case studies, and virtual meetings focused on drug therapy and their use in podiatry 
  • The chance to participate in MIP projects, advocacy campaigns and other initiatives related to medicines in podiatry 
  • Exclusive access to MIP specific resources, including templates, guidance material, reports and articles
  • The ability to network and build relationships with other members who are endorsed prescribers.

A special offer is available for existing members or joining members who renew or join before 13th June 2023. These members can add the MIP special interest group to their membership at no cost, usually valued at $55 per annum.  To join the MIP, simply tick the MIP special interest group checkbox at the time of renewing or joining. 

We are excited to kick off this new special interest group and look forward to exploring the latest developments and building resources for our prescribing members.

Advance your career & connect with your peers

Tax time is right around the corner – do you know what deductions you could be claiming? Well, good news, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have prepared a range of tailored information for medical professionals to help make tax time simple this year. 

Read the full article in APodA’s member portal.

Footwork forges ahead


A proud STRIDE advertiser

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!


That’s a wrap on this issue of STRIDE! Remember that up-to-the-minute updates are available through our social media channels like Twitter and Facebook (and on our website). 

