Renew or purchase your APodA membership before 31 July this year to receive limited free access to the exclusive member-only e-course ‘Sonography and Podiatry‘ at no extra cost.
Members who join or renew from 31 July will receive FREE access to complete the course between 9 to 29 August this year. After this date, the course will re-open in October 2021 onwards at a cost of $495 for non-member access and $250 for member access.
What does the course cover?
This four-part e-course is self-paced through video content and it is perfect for any podiatrist who is keen to begin using ultrasound, or as an update on subjects such as:
- Sourcing the correct equipment
- Service costs and consumables
- Scan preparation for probe types and frequencies
- Referrals
- Legal liabilities.
Who is presenting?
The APodA has teamed up with Brendan Goode who has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Radiology and Master Health Science in Sonography.
Together we have created a series of four one-hour videos, which include online quizzes to extend your learning in ultrasound, case study images and some practical tips to take away.
Why should I consider it?
Since ultrasound (sonography) practice is an increasingly used technique in podiatry practices, this topic makes for essential learning. It encompasses musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, vascular hand-held Doppler ultrasound and therapeutic ultrasound.
It can be used in podiatry for the assessment and diagnosis of bursitis, tendonitis, Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis and more.
If you feel you would benefit from more post-grad training in this area, it may be just the boost you need!