Created by the Australian Podiatry Association (APodA), the National Advocacy Advisory Committee (NAAC) is a major step forward for the podiatry profession, with the profession driving this committee from within. Each podiatrist on NAAC has served on a range of APodA committees and councils, with a proven track record to listen to fellow podiatrists and carry the advocacy voice in response. This is about grassroots podiatrist-led advocacy, by podiatrists and for podiatrists.


The committee provides a clear pathway for any APodA member to have their advocacy thoughts, suggestions, and frustrations heard. It launched with its first face-to-face meeting in Adelaide on 1 March, 2024. Updates from this meeting, its attendees and future planning and activities will be forthcoming via APodA’s website, alongside ongoing NAAC updates.


Who is on NAAC

The committee aims to be representative of the many and varied areas of clinical practice and businesses practices within the profession. It is made up of a combination of chairs of the relevant special interest groups, the regional council, the research / academic community, and the APodA board.

This group of podiatrists have subject matter expertise in particular areas, whether it be business, paediatrics, gerontology, prescribing, rural and remote services or academia. The committee offers a way for the APodA to connect and engage with – and represent – the various elements of the profession more effectively.

Longer-term, NAAC provides a pipeline of future board members who have served on various committees and are well placed to segue into board roles, to shape the profession’s actions.


How to join

This movement rests on a united voice; led by individuals who have previously demonstrated the discipline to work constructively within the framework of clear governance.

To apply to join NAAC, you must first be a member of APodA and a special interest group member, then you can apply to join an APodA committee. From there, if you have chaired a committee, you are welcome to apply to become a member of NAAC. Any APodA member is invited to follow this pathway; it is deliberately inclusive, yet structured.

NAAC is all about ensuring that it is not just the loudest voices in the room who have their advocacy issues heard, but anyone with an advocacy-related idea or suggestion can come forward to the committee and know they will be heard through the appropriate channels.


How to get involved

If you are passionate about getting involved, consider joining a special interest group and follow this pathway towards NAAC, or contact your local NAAC member to discuss your advocacy ideas and concerns. Stay tuned for further updates via the APodA website.
