Here is the most commonly asked member question in recent weeks. Don’t forget to check out our member-only web resource for more useful Q+As!

Question: Do I need to complete a service agreement for a self managed NDIS participant?


Although it is not mandatory to do so, it provides a clear understanding of what each party has agreed to. To access this information and more APodA member NDIS resources you can visit our website here.

Due to the changing nature of the NDIS, it is always recommended to regularly visit the NDIS website for any updates that may impact you and your business. Here is a quick snapshot of some of the APodA-created resources that offer guidance and support on working with the NDIS.

  • For guidance on report writing for plan reviews click here
  • For information on writing progress reports click here
  • The APodA has developed through the consultation of a working group a member-only Service agreement template, available here
  • Things to consider when making a service agreement, available here

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