To set some context around the following updates … back in 2021 DFA asked Australian stakeholders to help determine the national ‘To 10 diabetes-related foot health and disease research priorities’. These findings helped to identify a set of national stakeholder-agreed priority research questions for Diabetic Foot Disease (DFD) for the first time.  


Webinars to watch  

Fast forward to 2023 and these insights have now been distilled into DFA’s webinar series, which you can watch for free at the below links, after you have registered. Check them out.  

  1. Diabetes-related Neuropathy -The Cinderella Complication by Professor Rayaz Malik (QA)
  2. Education to improve self-care behaviour in people with diabetes – what does the evidence say? By Dr Jo Paton (UK)
  3. Exercise for people at risk or living with diabetes-related foot disease by Associate Professor Jaap Van Netten (NLD)
  4. How useful is smart technology in the care of people at risk or living with diabetes-related foot disease? By Professor Bijan Najafi (USA)
  5. Health and cost benefits of best practice diabetes-related foot disease management – what does the evidence say? By Associate Professor Pete Lazzarini (Aus)
  6. Contemporary management of osteomyelitis by Professor Larry Lavery (USA) 


Not only are these above webinars ready and waiting for you, the DFA conference is also around the corner. But first, the symposium… 


Symposium in focus  

DFA are hosting an interactive symposium on Sunday 8 October 2023. This two-hour pre-conference event covers a range of issues and is framed around the published 2018-2022 National Strategy for diabetes-related foot disease, which highlights a key area – focusing on future investments in research and development to improve care delivery and health outcomes. Currently diabetes-related foot disease receives less than 0.2% of all Australian diabetes funding.  


The session focuses on:  

  • Where national DFD research is currently at
  • Lessons and learnings from international experts on collaborative research programs
  • Considerations on what’s needed next and how you can help get involved in developing a national approach.  


Podiatrists are encouraged to attend this symposium, alongside a diverse range of multi-disciplinary health professionals, researchers, peak bodies and organisations. This mini symposium is open to DFA Conference attendees to register for, with limited places available. Registrations for this event open in early September for conference delegates – so get in quick and book your conference registration now.    



Held on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast, join us from 8 to 10 October 2023 for the DFA Conference, to learn all about the latest in diabetes-related foot health and disease.  


Featuring international keynote speakers including Professor David G Armstrong (USA), and 11 speakers involved in the development of the new 2023 IWGDF DFD Guidelines, learn the latest in clinical practice at our future focused plenary sessions, network at our social events, and participate in over 10 practical workshops running across the conference.


DFA are also excited to announce a special Charcot Masterclass featuring A/Prof Katherine Raspovic USA (IWGDF Charcot Secretary) and Prof Dane Wukich USA (IWGDF Charcot Chair) who will be walking us through the latest in the first ever Charcot IWGDF Guideline. This is a rare opportunity to learn from DFD international and national experts not to be missed, so join us as we head resort-style and register now!


Register now! 
