Step #1 Reflect

Think about what metrics matter most to you during Podiatry Week. Do you want more online conversations? More website click-throughs? A great in-person attendance at an event you host? An increase in appointment bookings?


Let these decisions guide your activities as you consider any of the below initiatives.


Step #2 Advocate

This is THE week to advocate for your role and the difference you make – in person and online to your networks, your communities and prospective patients. When else do you have a clear slate once a year to promote your role and the value you add (without it coming across as a thinly-veiled humble brag?!)


Here’s some ideas.

1. Be a thought leader

Own your corner of the podiatry world this week. Share ready-made resources across your social channels and newsletters. Use this opportunity to educate your networks about what podiatrists do and why it’s important.


2. Grow your community

Host an after-work event at your clinic. Entice your local community with snacks or drinks while explaining what a podiatrist does and when they may need to see one. Consider offering a one-week-only discount for bookings using the code ‘podiatryweek.’


3. Go digital

Craft an engaging email newsletter addressing key questions, such as: What does a podiatrist do? Why may someone need to see a podiatrist? What conditions do you treat? Include relevant resources as linked attachments, which are designed for current and potential patients.


4. Hit the streets

If you’re feeling bold, offer a two-minute gait analysis to locals to celebrate Podiatry Week. It’s a fun way to educate the public and start conversations about your services. While no meaningful analysis can probably happen in two minutes, it can spark new conversations and fresh interest!


5. Go long-form

Get busy on LinkedIn and write a longer editorial piece on why you work as a podiatrist. Share what it means to you and what you want people to understand about your profession.


6. Rally the next generation

We want the next generation of podiatrists to get involved—so if you’re a podiatry student, don’t forget to download your badge and share this social media graphic during Podiatry Week (and encourage your university to participate as well).


Step #3 Collaborate

Remember to include the Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) in any of the above activities, to help your message travel faster, and further. Don’t forget to…

  1. Take photos of your Podiatry Week in-person activities and send them to the APodA via the below channels.
  1. Tag the APodA to maximise your reach! Use #PodiatryWeek2024 to ensure you’re part of the larger conversation online. Let’s spotlight your efforts and celebrate you.


….In the meantime, the APodA will be watching closely to see how many times the above-linked resources are downloaded by you and your networks.


Perhaps even more importantly, the APodA will also measure how many people go to the Find a Podiatrist resource online, given it will be strongly promoted to the public across Podiatry Week.


Step #4 Update

If you are a member of the Australian Podiatry Association, make sure your profile is up to date on Find a Podiatrist, especially since this year’s Podiatry Week campaign is focused on directing plenty of online traffic to this destination. (And if you’re not a member, it’s not too late to join and make the most of this ongoing opportunity and the increased visibility it provides).
