Here is the most commonly asked member question in recent weeks. Don’t forget to check out our member-only web resource for more useful Q+As!


Is it mandatory for a podiatrist to have an EpiPen in their clinic to manage anaphylactic reactions?



It is not mandatory however the Podiatry Board of Australia does encourage podiatrists to have an Epipen in their practice environment to support public health and safety. Refer to the PBA’s CPD guidelines. For further information on emergency management of anaphylaxis for health professionals refer to the NPS Medicinewise website which includes a downloadable poster for your practice. The ASCIA website also has information on autoinjectors (EpiPens) for general use. You can order EpiPens (adult and junior) from Briggate Medical or direct from a pharmacist. EpiPen’s have a 12-month shelf-life, it is recommended you have an annual reminder schedule to check and replace EpiPens that are out of date.


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