Have you done your homework when it comes to changes such as the below? If not, start your financial year strongly by taking note and making adjustments where required. If in doubt, always seek advice from your local accounting professional.
Are you across the changes to superannuation?
With the super guarantee rate set to increase to 12% by July 2025, and now at 10% as of 1 July this year, head to our HR portal (log in first) or the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) online tool for more information.
How does the lowering of the tax rate affect you?
With the tax rate now lowered to 25% how does this affect you? There are plenty of resources which touch on this subject including this one here.
Can you benefit from the enhanced instant asset write off?
To find out what the changes are and whether your practice can benefit, head to this resource on the ATO website and scroll down to the relevant section.